Friday, 31 January 2014

It's here!

Mixture of nerves and excitement about everything round the corner now, New Zealand is miles away when you scan round on Google Earth from here! haha :-)
No doubt all the plane time will help cement quite how far it is from life here. Been trying to work out sleeping opportunities and concluded I might get a couple before they wake us up at 3am ish (but 7am Dubai time) to arrive in Dubai (dependent on snorers/boozers/general rustlers- not that I can talk, my bladder's micro size, bad luck someone). Meeting Jan at Dubai so will no doubt be hunting the first cup of gallons of teas over the next month. 

Then it all gets rather muddled with Dubai being 4 hours ahead. Expecting to sleep then in the 'day' (night in NZ) on the way to Australia and so adjusting a bit already to the 13hours ahead. 

We've just done my last cold long run here, hopefully going to facilitate some sleeping later. Was good to savour the last of the winter before a month of 20 plus degrees hehe.

See you on the other side of the world, she's off :-)

Monday, 27 January 2014

Attack of the WOWs

Into the last week of normality and the reality of what's round the corner has suddenly sprinkled everything with holiday dreaminess! Been so bogged down with this, that and the other there's been little head time to sit back and take it in. It's happening, it's really happening! And soon!

Even feeling excited about being on the plane for ages now. Jet lag can't feel any worse than staying up all night surely?! Nothing some Auckland air (and a jaunt in my trainers) won't sort out anyway je penses. And then we'll be off on our steeds, wind in our hair, WOW on our lips.

So far in my log (I do love a log), I've cycled 712 turbo miles since 30th December. There's lots to log now there's 3 disciplines to go at. Swam 12,310 metres so far. Running is well down on the usual January numbers but the year is young and you can only do what you can do. Prep phase of becoming a Carbon Woman is well underway (sounds much more nippy and sleek than an Ironwoman, although I'm quite happy to stake that claim come August). Twit twooo. For now, bring on the Base miles and smiles.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

It's getting hot down there!

Since discovering the joys of a power meter on the turbo I may have to re-think the 'don't like the  fan, I get goose pimples even though I'm hot' theory. Getting far too sweaty dans la cuisine.
Sweat is welcomed and frankly quite fun from about 99% of my body's surface areas but as any girl who's cycled in torrential rain on consecutive days knows, wet shorts are far from gratifying. I might have to consider tapering before my holiday haha!

I might also have to consider wearing 7 layers of clothing climbing on board Emirates. My bag weighs half of the 7kg allowed, leaving 3.5kg for my holiday non-cycling clothes!

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

The 10 minute carrot

After today's events and the resulting mental carnage turboing wasn't seeming that appealing, so I engaged Auntie Martha's 10 minute rule. 10 minutes of whatever it is and then review. Just 10 minutes and if it still seems a rubbish notion, bin it.
To be upfront that trick to encourage me to do my piano practise wasn't that effective when I was 12, but nowadays it works a treat to get me in my trainers or cleats.

So, capitalising on the cortisol, two hours of sweating then ensued. Cycling can be such a journey (even a somewhat stationary journey this month). At the start of the venture I so often have a cluttered, chattering mind bursting with post-work analysis, list-making, inner rantings and discussions. The bike on the turbo competes with it's own grind, tick, clank clank. On and on it goes. It's invasive and irksome. Yet there's this morphing into one as the minutes roll by, as paradoxically the mechanical hubbub seems to become a melodic pitter-patter and calmness in my mind is again restored. Until perhaps tomorrow that is.

The pistons are working hard and all this training seems to be paying off. I wouldn't say I've thighs to rival Chris Hoy quite yet but they should enable some reasonably comfortable gallivanting up and over the mountains of NZ at this rate.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

3 and a bit weeks to go

A month today I will have spent the morning cycling round Lake Taupo and then the night at the Discovery Lodge, at the top of something that sounds fun to climb up.
Of course, it's not exactly a month today, it's a month yesterday or something as it'll be tomorrow in a month in NZ (!) I'm definitely not a natural physicist.

Checked in with my roomie Jan and discussed strategies for minimal packing this week. Not sure her hair straighteners are an essential cycling tour item.

I've sorted my currency out and now my dream of running through Hobbiton looks real, my leg seems normal dare I say it. X ray showed no bone damage. I've not run on it though, yet! Rarely for me, actually feel in no rush to don the trainers. Sense prevails for once (take note parentals!)

I've been researching swimming pools and there's lots en route. Expect it'll be nice for my under-carriage to have a break from the saddle, 4 weeks is a cycling big PB (Painful Bottom haha!)

Friday, 3 January 2014

Pleased with my static miles this week 7.5 hours over 5 days. Apple's genius playlists are helping the hours zip by. That and glossing over cycling literature, which is possible in short bursts, with precise positioning of said literature on my handlebars to avoid dripping myself on it.

Decided to take a photo of my daily view. It's going to be quite a contrast to be zooming through the flora and fauna of NZ, rather than idly casting my eye over piles of laundry.

Got my flight ticket sent through today. I've planned my tactic to adjust to the new time zone, which under ordinary circumstances could result in me being a right old rat-bag. But I suspect being about to embark on a month of cycling will be the perfect antidote.