Friday, 21 February 2014

Haast to Makarora

I'm writing this sat on the grass at the base of Mount Shrimpton, awaiting my fellow climbers return.
The ride was only 48miles today so we were here at our destination, installed in our A-frame cabins by 2pm:
Steve described them as a shed, but I've never slept in a shed before so it's all rather exciting! Jan has her own hobbit hole at last!
Today we cycled along the Haast Pass. 30miles of pretty much flat road, threading its way next to the Haast river before the climb up. It was steep to start but as we'd all psyched ourselves for longer, it was a pleasant surprise to see Steve parked up, telling us the worst was behind us. 
Apart from a few showers the weather gods smiled and we could enjoy some views down the gorge and the rainwater added to the gushing waterfalls, which were frequent en route.
Once over the pass the scenery opened out and the mountains around are vast and (as evident by our attempt to summit Mount Shrimpton) sizeable.
We didn't get to the top, despite 90minutes of sometimes very steep/vertical tramping! I don't think I've seen Jan in such a sweat and Phil's planned inner eyelid inspection has gone somewhat out the window! He may decide not to go with my choice of route in future?! Was a great wilderness path through the roots and trees though. 
Now back in our hobbit hole (the little tinkers took a short cut back at the end of the route, so bypassing me waiting, at the mercy of the sand flies) it's time for tea and biscuits, again! Happy days indeed (albeit a few rather itchy ones).

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